Monday 4 February 2008

A Day to Remember

[Copyright: Charles Roberts/Online Transport Archive]
Norman Wisdom: 1915

George A Romero: 1940

A Zombie

Dan Quayle: 1947

Alice Cooper: 1948

Gabrielle Anwar: 1970

All (with the possible exception of the zombie) were born on the 4th February. They look a bit of a motley crowd, I admit. I hadn't heard of Gabrielle Anwar, but I suppose she's proof that we're not all bad looking.


Dan said...

Happy B-day.
Why do Zombies only bite people ? if there so hungry wouldn't they eat the whole person ? Seems like they only eat enough to turn them into zombies.

Brian o vretanos said...



Firstly, there's a lot of eating in a whole person, and they're not exactly running marathons.

Secondly, it's the natural selection thing. The species' of zombie that ate whole people so didn't create more zombies would die out pretty quickly.

Zombies are like these pyramid schemes - if they're actually "successful" and turn everyone into zombies, then what will they eat? They'd have to breed non-zombie humans for food and to make more zombies

Bee said...

Why are we talking about Zombies before my coffee? Oh right!

Jean Knee said...


I meant to hit caps lock this time

zombies are cool. I took a quiz to see how I'd do in case of a zombie invasion, I can't remember the exact results but I think I'd be dinner

Dan said...

They should take the time to finish all the food, why let such good human flesh go to waist ?

Zombies should reproduce the old fashioned way, why should they have it so easy ? The male Zombie needs to persue the Female the same way we HAVE TO. Take her out on a date to see a movie and then hope for the female to put out. Engage in some Zombie Fucking, the female should suffer thru all the regular pregnacy stuff, wake the male up in the middle of the noght to go get her some 40 year old Greek male meat ( that for causing the Bears to lose )
Then suffer thru all the labor pains.

And last of all they should breed cows, cow flesh is much tastier then human flesh.


Jean Knee said...

Dan, you are so messed up.

Jean Knee said...


Again caps are on purpose

Bee said...

Dan WTF??? You've thought about this waaaaay too much!
And thanks for the visual of Zombie porn!

Bee said...

Hey thank you for the wikidictionary link. I'm all set for when you use another big word.

Brian o vretanos said...



Jean Knee:

Thankyou x 2 ! Caps Lock? I feel so honoured.


I don't think undead creatures can reproduce, but if there's a zombie invasion you can be spokesman for the human race and tell them how they should be "living". Oh, and please tell them not to eat Jean Knee.

Brian o vretanos said...


"cow flesh is much tastier then human flesh."

How do you know????

You might be on to something though, they'd find it a lot easier just to buy a burger like everyone else...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday living person. You are invited to a party in your honor. There will be shuffling; slowly and dead-like, dirt digging contests, and please join us for dinner.

Bee said...

Don't go Brian! They might ::whisper:: eat you.

Brian o vretanos said...


<whisper>Don't worry, I'll be fine. My plan is to take someone with me just in case. A sort of "human shield". While they're tucking in, I'll flee to safety.</whisper>

Jean Knee:

Are you busy tomorrow night? Do you fancy going to a party?

Tracy Rambles On And On said...

Happy Birthday to you!
I hope you have a great day.
And I'm a bit of a moron because I didn't read the Zombie's title until after I sat here for a few minutes trying to figure out what the heck a meth addict had to do with your birthday. Then I read the Zombie title and it made a little more sense.
Anyways, Happy Birthday!

Jean Knee said...

nope, sorry. I'm cutting my toenails that night. I'm pretty sure Tracy's free

Brian o vretanos said...



I had been considering putting a zombie picture in place of George Romero's, but then decided to do both!

Jean Knee:

That's a pity. I've just realised I'll have left something in the oven. Oh well, there's always next year...

Tracy Rambles On And On said...

Brian- As much as I would love to go to the party, I have other plans to give my children a bath the entire evening.
Maybe Dan could go. He seems to really be into zombies.

Dan said...

Hell Yeah I'll go !
Don't worry about the Zombies eating Jean Knee they'll just bite her up a little and turn her into a Zombie.

Jean Knee said...

no way Dan, I just don't have the stamina to be a zombie.

Brian, where's the new post? You'll be reduced to dressing up a rooster if you keep this up. no one wants to see that

Anonymous said...

jean knee, the name of this post is "A Day to Remember". He wants us to remember this day forever and ever.

Brian o vretanos said...

Jean Knee:

It'll appear sometime in the next 2-3 hours.