Wednesday 28 May 2008

Wordy Wednesday

Yes, it's that time of the week again...

High Ambitions

I loved this story about a Frenchman with a dream. His dream was to go about 25 miles up in a helium balloon and then jump out. The idea was to do the highest balloon flight, the fastest and longest freefall (falling through the air at 1.7 times the speed of sound), etc. He's been preparing for this over several years. When the day finally came, he was in his pressurised suit in his pressurised capsule whilst they inflated the balloon. Unfortunately the balloon went up into the sky, but left him on the ground feeling - deflated?

The balloon cost $200,000, and with it flying off, he'll presumably be unable to return it and get his money back. Looking on the bright side, it could have been a lot worse if he'd actually taken off. He might have got hurt. It's a very expensive way to make a fool of yourself, though.

I have never ever understood why anyone wants to fly using a balloon. There's a very good reason why no-one's ever managed what he was attempting...

Blue Emilia

It's happening again. Instead of my favourite newsreader, I'm getting a blue screen. It happened last night and tonight. Last night there were tantalising stretches of a picture, and then back to blue. This evening as far as I can see there's not even that. There will be the on demand video available later, but it's not the same, and I won't get to see any of the other programmes I watch...


The weather has been terrible. It's still raining. Someone should tell the great Weatherman in the Sky that the Bank Holiday's over...


Bee said...


Bee said...

Brian, that picture of Emilia? Sorry but she looks like a tranny.

There was a news story recently of a priest going up on balloons then disapearing. Not the brightest people no matter what people say.

We're supposed to get rain later this week. If we have too many days of rain the river overflows and it causes me to bite all my nails off. I hope we don't get as much rain as you are.

Brian o vretanos said...


No, it's not the greatest picture ;-)

Balloons and flying don't mix.

Let's hope that you're not flooded, or rendered nail-less ;-)

Jean Knee said...

I hope they caught that guy's expression on tape

Brian o vretanos said...

Jean Knee:

He was wearing a space suit, but since he's apparently spent $20 million over the years on this dream and is now practically bankrupt, I expect his helmet was full of tears...

Tracy Rambles On And On said...

You know, I've never understood why people want to do balloon flight either. What if it had taken off and a mile up a bird flew by and popped it? They aren't the most durable things.
I have to admit, I did laugh when I read that his balloon flew off without him. That was God's way of saying "Um, no.."
I have to agree with Bee on the picture of Amelia. She does look like a tranny. She could pass as a Cleopatra tranny impersonator. That would rock!

Jean Knee said...

Brian, have you ever thought maybe she was a transvestite? or even just a plain man?

Dan said...

Great Weather Man in the Sky, the bank holiday is over.

Dan said...

I think you can find the priest thing on you tube and it was a bunch of little ballons like the ones you use at a kids party. He was from Brazil.

Bee said...

Dan, I'll look for it tomorrow. While I'm home with Natalia waiting for her sister to arrive.

Brian o vretanos said...


I'm amazed! This must be some kind of cowboy magic or something. The rain has stopped.


Chris had the video on her blog a while back, I think.

Brian o vretanos said...

Tracy & Jean Knee:

I must have been half asleep this morning - I didn't mean to ignore your comments!


What would have happened if the balloon came dislodged when he was too low to have time to parachute, but high enough to splat? I think he was very lucky...

Jean Knee:

I don't think she is, but her cleo haircut and the plastered on make up don't do her any favours, I don't think...

Jean Knee said...

get rid of the make up and she;d look more female

I saw the balloon guy on the news this morning, I had to laugh what a jackass

Brian o vretanos said...

Jean Knee:

I've never understood why women think face-paint is ever an improvement. Men stopped doing it a couple of centuries ago...

Was balloon-man giving interviews, then? I thought he'd be in hiding ;-)

Jean Knee said...

it showed him being interviewed as his balloon sailed away in the background--he kept his cool though

Brian o vretanos said...

I suppose someone who's prepared to hurtle towards the ground at 1.7 times the speed of sound would be cool (if totally insane)