Sunday 14 December 2008

Satanic Posts, The Number of the Beast, and Superstitious Blogging

This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred sixty-six.
- Rev 13:18 (NRSV)
What's in a number? Tracy was so worried about her post number 666 that she got Bee to write it instead. Other people avoid 13 (especially in the US, it seems). The Chinese are famous for their belief that numbers can be lucky or unlucky.

Over the years, people have been very interested in turning names into numbers, and this is one possible interpretation of the Biblical 666.

In addition, numbers were written using letters in Latin and Ancient Greek. So 666 in Latin could be DCLXVI. The New Testament was written in Greek, and 666 could be written χξς´ , and is in some ancient Biblical manuscripts.

I once read a book on numerology. It said that you were supposed to write A=1, B=2, and so on, and then you could calculate the values of people's names. For example, "Polka" gives 55, "Dan, The People's Blogger" 206, and "Rambling thoughts of the Neverending Mind" 405.

Looking at the title of Tracy's post, and converting the numbers and symbols into what Bee actually typed you get: "TRACY HAS ASKED ME TO DO POST [POUND SIGN] SIX SIX SIX [THREE DOTS]", which adds up to, erm, 666. Coincidence? Or are there dark forces at work?

Actually, I have to confess that I tried a large number of variations (for example "Six hundred and sixty six dot dot dot", etc) until I hit on one that made the magic total. Incidentally, the title of my post also adds up to 666.

In any case, 666 might not be the Number of the Beast. According to Biblical scholars, various manuscripts of Revelations, including one dating back to the 5th Century, actually give the number as 616. And Tracy's 616th post certainly contains a number of beasts...


Jean Knee said...

oh my gawwd. look at that demon's butt.

Jean Knee said...

This is what the demon's saying to the Pope
" read it, read it, it's The Bridges of Madison County" and you will read it!

all that adds up to 666 too

Brian o vretanos said...

Jean Knee:

Yes, it's not the ideal place to have eyes, I wouldn't have thought...

I get 646 for that quote, not 666

Tracy Rambles On And On said...

Jean Knee-What is it with you and butts? I didn't even notice his butt until you mentioned it and now I'm all creeped out.

And Brian,
Does Bee's title really add up know?
It's funny, my family isn't supersticious and yet somehow, here I am, avoiding numbers and watching out for black cats.
How in the world did I get this way?

Brian o vretanos said...


The letters add up to 666 in my altered version of Bee's title. I had to try a lot of different versions - I kept getting totals that were 2 or 3 out. I'm sure I could have made it add up to just about anything...

Most people are a bit superstitious

Bee said...

Lucky for me I know nothing about numbers and am not overly superstitious. Except my favorite number is 14. And if I can't get 14, 7 will do. And I'll 6s if I get them in poker... hmmmmm

It must be hard to go poopsie when you have a face on your butt... or is it?

Jean Knee said...

Tracy, are you saying butts aren't the first thing you notice about a person? How odd

Brian o vretanos said...


What are you asking me for????

Dan said...

Can he eat threw his butt? so he eats and craps threw the same place? If he eats threw his butts mouth does he crap threw his faces mouth?

Brian o vretanos said...


It's gross, but then I suppose that's the point...

You know, I could have saved myself the 2 hours I spend messing around with adding up letters, and just have posted the picture of the Butt Face Devil ;-)

Unknown said...

Are you saying Bee is the devil?

Hmmm. I suppose it depends on what kind of day she's had at work.

Brian o vretanos said...


I wouldn't dream of saying such a thing - at least not in her presence ;-)

She can be mean, but that's probably not the same as being Satanically evil.

for a different kind of girl said...

I don't care what the number is, but the day a beast with a butt face shows up at my door, I'm outta here...

Anonymous said...

Isn't it supposed to be like Nero if you translate it into the mystic numbers of Judaic numerology or something?

Brian o vretanos said...


Very Wise.


Yes. The Greeks used (and still use) letters to represent numbers in such a way that a single letter can be tens or hundreds. Consequently a name could add up to 666.

According to Knox's New Testament, A Greek version of "Latinus" would work, as would "Nero Caesar" in Hebrew.

Anonymous said...

LooK At THat BUtT.oH boY Its NastY""!!!!!!!!!