Sunday 2 December 2007

A Trifle Incompetent

Applying The Finishing Touches to Trifle Mk II

Incompetent is quite a good word to describe me, and yesterday was a good example of this. I showed my inability to make a trifle. Out of a packet, with detailed instructions.

Helena and I had been invited to dinner, and I'd rashly offered to bring a dessert. I decided that I'd better go for a very simple option. One that wouldn't stretch my culinary skills too much. Hence the trifle. How hard could it be? What could possibly go wrong?

First we made the jelly, which involved mixing water and jelly powder. Then the custard, which involved mixing milk and custard powder. Then we left the jelly to set and the custard to cool. The actual incompetent bit turned out to be my failing to get all of the custard powder out of the sachet, thus making the custard very runny.

I don't know if you've tried this, but if you pour very runny "custard" onto jelly, where the jelly hasn't stuck to the sides of your bowl, bad things happen. In particular the jelly ended up floating in the custard. I'm sorry, but I was too involved at this point in wailing and gnashing of teeth to have the presence of mind to take a photo (more incompetence).

The second attempt (a fresh packet later), resulted in nice thick custard and as you can see from the picture there were no other major problems. Apart from the fact that the end result didn't actually taste nice (at least to me). Everyone else was too polite to say what they thought.

Looking on the bright side, now that I've mastered trifles, I should be ready to try something else. A souflee, maybe? My incompetence is matched only by my optimism...


Bee said...

Well it looks yummy!
I leave all the dessert stuff for Andy to make, he's good at following recipes to a T.

At breakfast today, we were discussing the merits of men cooking. My brother's were like "no, men shouldn't cook" Andy was the only cool dude there! ;o)

Brian o vretanos said...

Good for Andy.

It's mostly laziness and bad planning on my part that I don't get better - When there's just one of you it's easier to heat something up. Fresh stuff has a habit of getting thrown out because I don't use it in time...

Jean Knee said...

soufflees are Satans way of punishing us for not drinking more coffee.
they'll deflate your ego lickity split

Bee said...

I'm telling you to forget what the doctor said, we all gotta die sometime!

Bee said...

I'm just kiddin' jean knee...

Brian o vretanos said...

Jean Knee:

I'm not afraid of a souflee - it might deflate my ego, but it never stays deflated for long ;-)

Apparently you have to drink around 80-100 espresso shots in a short space of time to get a lethal dose of caffeine

Coffee kills dogs and spiders (how do you get spiders to drink coffee?)

Jean Knee said...

you have to make the insects the spiders slurp on drink the coffee.

next week I get to have my cholestrol checked after an 8 hour fast. After the butter WM 4000 I will probably be placed on a raw veggie only diet.

and even after a year or two on that it;s doubtful I'll ever have normal cholestrol

Bee said...

Good luck with that, I hope everything turns out okay!

Oh, Andy just walked in with a bacon cheese burger grilled onions extra pickles and fries... mmmmm

Jean Knee said...

not bragging here just giving you a helpful Martha like tip.

After a delicious home made stew made by me (for real )
I served yummy frozen dough cookies warm from the oven with milk. Yes I was a star for a few minutes

Anonymous said...

why do you people go on and on like this? can't you see Bri Bri is sleeping?

Anonymous said...

jean knee really didn't cook, we order chinese food!

Anonymous said...

And those cookies were from last years Easter basket!

Brian o vretanos said...

Jean Knee:

I'm getting increasingly impressed by your culinary prowess. I think it's Martha that should be taking your advice, not the other way round...

Jean Knee said...

that's what I keep telling her, but she still won't lift that restraining order